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“The magnitude in change was such that our company decided
we needed to change the standard of care,
that our patients needed us to,
and that our mission required us to bring forward this technology.”

-Dr. Gene Burke, VP and Executive Medical Director for Clinical Effectiveness, Sentara Healthcare

“We need something that can maintain itself in addition to manual cleaning…
and that’s what this technology brings.”

-Principal Investigator, Olin E. Teague’s VA Medical Center, Temple, TX

Health. Care. | An Educational Blog

Where EOSCU is already making a difference:

Team Members

A single module with 3 fully customizable options

Hector Duarte

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Samantha Diaz

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Leo Mendieta

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Valentines 2018-01.jpg
2 min read.

HAIs: Major Heartache

It's no wonder why we have long associated the heart with life and love. It races when we are...
3 min read.

How does copper kill germs?

COVID-19 and other infectious pathogens continue to make headlines, drawing our attention to the...

See the EOScu Difference

Not a coating.
A permanent, continuous self-sanitizing surface.

See the EOS<sup>cu</sup> Difference