Germs + schools, trains, crew quarters, planes, labs, hotels, arenas, locker rooms, checkpoints
Wherever people gather, germs will find a way to spread. Lower the risk of disease transmission by introducing biocidal surfaces that actively and continuously kill >99.9% of harmful bacteria without the need for additional human processes.

Schools can be a major source of community-acquired infections, leading to both children and teachers missing school. What if you could help break the chain of transmission?

Day Care Centers
Anyone who works with the youngest children know that infections are a part of growing up. Biocidal surfaces in high-touch areas can help reduce transmission in early childhood spaces.

Mass Transit
Bring million of riders into the same spaces and you get a place where pathogens can spread quickly and easily. What if you could keep buses, trains, and stations cleaner during rush hour?

Airports and aviation
The airline industry helps fuel global community and commerce. Helping move millions to where they need to go means bringing people into close quarters, which in turn means the potential for disease transmission. Learn how EOSCU can help break the chain of transmission.

Hotels and resorts
Hospitality and cleanliness go hand-in-hand. Provide your guests are more sanitary experience with biocidal surfaces, which can help keep your housekeeping, laundry, and high-touch areas cleaner.

Cruise ships
Cruise ships should be all about relaxation, socializing, and fun - not about bacteria, viruses and illness! How could biocidal surfaces reduce transmission on your next cruise?

Stadiums, arenas and theaters
When people come together to have fun, the last they they want to think about is germs. Biocidal surfaces can help keep bacteria and viruses at bay so the focus can stay on the field, the stage, or the screen.

Pharmaceutical prep
Pathogen outbreaks affect pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, leading to recalls and illnesses via contaminated products. Biocidal surfaces could help control bioburden in these settings.

Locker rooms
Give your athletes the home-field advantage against germs. EOSCU can be your MVP, intercepting bacteria before it can score.

School clinics
Kids with runny noses, upset tummies and playground scrapes all move through the school clinic. Help keep them safer in a space with biocidal surfaces.

Checkpoint areas
More and more public spaces require screening areas, leading to crowding and the potential for germ transmission. Help screen out the danger of bacteria by providing guests with biocidal surfaces.

Transit lavatories
Public transit lavatories bring together all the ingredients of a germ reservoir: Many users, tight spaces, circulated air, and water. Keep those spaces safer with biocidal surfaces.

Clean rooms and laboratories
A clean lab environment is vital for both safety and the success of scientific work. Protect your staff and your data with biocidal surfaces.

Space stations to submarines
Tight sleeping quarters can be found anywhere from luxury yachts to space stations. Wherever people share close quarters, biocidal surfaces can help reduce infection risk.