Today, we have the opportunity to bring all these topics together into probably our most important post to date: We are finally able to announce that the clinical trial testing the efficacy of EOScu Preventive | Biocidal Surfaces and copper-infused linens resulted in statistically significant reductions in hospital-associated infections (HAIs).
World's largest clinical trial investigating the impact of copper-infused biocidal materials on healthcare-associated infections.
Reduction in MDROs
Reduction in C. difficile
Patient days
Adverse Effects
“Sentara is pleased to become the first large-scale deployment of these advanced antimicrobial materials. Over the years, Sentara has implemented many advanced practices in an effort to minimize hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) at our facilities and we believe that new technologies, such as copper-enhanced EOSCU, have the potential to create another layer of protection in this very important effort.”
– Dr. Gene Burke, MD,
Vice President of Clinical Effectiveness for Sentara Healthcare

"This is the beginning of a new wave of products to solve the problem of hospital associated infections."
Dr. Gene H. Burke, Vice President and Executive Medical Director for Clinical Effectiveness, Sentara Healthcare
“It’s easy math. And it’s much, much more than finance. It’s about the culture, and the commitment of the company, to make it so that we don’t harm our patients.”
Dr. Terry Gilliland, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Sentara Healthcare
“Each one of those avoided infections is going to get patients out of the hospital quicker, potentially could avoid a readmission, which hurts us on the Medicare side, and all of this is not even discussing the impact on the patient.”
Robert Broermann, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Sentara Healthcare