Introducing new technology can be a challenge. Here are some resources that can help you.
Become a force for change., innovation., safety.
You're a medical professional, not an interior designer, an architect or a builder! But you can still be the one who introduces preventive biocidal surfaces to your facility. Here are three resources to get your started.
Follow this link to all the independent, peer-reviewed published data on EOSCU.

How do I evaluate a product?
Who do you trust when it comes to product evaluation? You can't get all your information from marketing materials and sales people. This guide will help you evaluate the sources that help you evaluate a new product.

How do I talk to the right people?
After you have found a product you think will work well in your facility, who do you talk to next? What's the best way to get an idea up to the decision-makers?

What does that mean?
Even the most seasoned medical professionals will confront new terminology from time to time, especially when venturing into the world of product evaluation and testing. Here are some key terms that may help you make sense of it all.